When it comes to mythological heroes, none hold a candle to the great demi-god Hercules, or at least when put in the context of big-screen appearances as he’s appeared in dozens of films ranging from the low-budget Italian Sword & Sandal films to the big Hollywood films like Disney’s animated Hercules and the 2014 Hercules…
Author: Mike Brooks
Tentacles (1977) – Review
Steven Spielberg’s summer blockbuster Jaws has spawned so many rip-offs that it has almost become a genre all its own — with Star Wars rip-offs being the only rival in sheer numbers — but today we will look back at one of the early rip-offs by those crazy Italians, a film called Tentacles.
The Invisible Man (2020) – Review
We must thank our lucky stars that Universal’s attempt at a Dark Universe imploded on impact, with Tom Cruise’s The Mummy failing miserably, for without this cinematic misfire we most likely would never have gotten writer/director Leigh Whannell’s wonderful take on the classic H.G. Wells story, The Invisible Man.
It Came from Beneath the Sea (1955) – Review
The threat of nuclear annihilation during the Cold War may have been what kept people on edge during the 50s and 60s, with people building fallout shelters in their backyards, but without it, we wouldn’t have had so many fun atomic-fueled monster movies. One of the earliest examples of this would be the Ray Harryhausen…
Voyagers! (1982) – Review
Today, if you turn on Netflix or Cable television, you’ll most likely come across at least a half-dozen shows involving a variety of heroes travelling through time to fix history, including such shows as Timeless, The Librarians, and the Travelers, yet back in the 80s this was a relatively rare concept for television. Other than…