The Martian tales by Edgar Rice Burroughs can almost be considered an anthology series by this point; in the first few books we followed the adventures of Earthman John Carter as he explored this new world while falling in love with the beautiful Dejah Thoris
Author: Mike Brooks
Doctor Strange (2016) – Review
Despite having a long and illustrious career in comic books the character of Doctor Strange, created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko way back in the 60s, has never quite reached mass public consciousness in the way as say Spider-Man or Captain America, but now that the Marvel brand has produced box office hit after…
Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016) – Review
Way back in 1973 Linda Blair was using a Ouija board to contact an entity she called Captain Howdy in The Exorcist; decades later we see more kids messing with this “harmless toy” in two films co-produced by Hasbro and Platinum Dunes, and these kids have even less fun then Blair did with demonic spirits.
Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders (2016) – Review
When kids of today think of Batman most would draw upon the versions produced Christopher Nolan or Zack Snyder but there is one iconic version that should never be forgotten; in 1966 television producer William Dozier cast Adam West as the world renowned Caped Crusader
The Chessmen of Mars: Edgar Rice Burroughs – Book Review
“Congratulations John Carter, it’s a girl!” In the fifth Barsoom novel we are introduced to another Princess of Mars in the form of Tara of Helium, daughter of John Carter and Dejah Thoris, and a girl voted most likely to be kidnapped.