The effect of Spielberg’s shark movie cannot be overstated, not since Norman Bates ruined showers for millions of people has a film kept so many people out of the water, so the idea of a sequel to this mega-blockbuster seems natural by today’s standards, but sequels were not the norm at this point in history.
Author: Mike Brooks
Jaws (1975) – Review
The impact of Steven Spielberg’s 1975 shark film cannot be understated; not only did it basically create a genre, we’ve been seeing countless shark movies ever since, but it is also responsible for the industry turning the summer from being a filmic dumping ground to the place to hold their tent-pole productions.
Tarzan and the Foreign Legion: Edgar Rice Burroughs – Book Review
Tarzan is no novice when it comes to war, in Tarzan the Untamed he mowed down countless Germans during WWI, but in Tarzan and the Foreign Legion, we get a book that feels like more a military adventure story than Tarzan the Untamed did; which mostly resembled a standard Tarzan adventure that just happened to…
Pete’s Dragon (2016) – Review
When a studio announces they have a remake in the works my reaction ranges from an eye roll to a tired groan to a despondent sigh, but when I heard Disney was remaking the 1977 musical Pete’s Dragon I was actually intrigued.
The Hindenburg (1975) – Review
Everyone knows what sank the Titanic (arrogance and ice) but the cause of the great airship disaster that was the Hindenburg remains a mystery to this very day.