Tarzan the Magnificent is actually two stories originally published separately; Tarzan and the Magic Men was published as a three-part serial in the pages of Argosy Weekly in 1936 while Tarzan and the Elephant Men was a three-part serial published in the pages of Blue Book between the years 1937 and 1938.
Author: Mike Brooks
The Perils of Gwendoline in the Land of the Yik-Yak (1984) – Review
When you watch Raiders of the Lost Ark one thing is clearly missing, and that would be gratuitous nudity and bondage, which was an oversight that director Just Jaeckin sought to correct with his film Gwendoline (later retitled The Perils of Gwendoline in the Land of the Yik-Yak), and by using a character created by…
The Remaining (2012) – Review
You know what will ruin a wedding party? The Rapture, that’s what. In director Casey La Scala’s “sort of found footage” movie that is exactly what happens, and it’s basically a more palatable version of Left Behind: A Novel of the Last Days on Earth. This is not a good thing.
Tarzan and the Forbidden City: Edgar Rice Burroughs – Book Review
Originally published as The Red Star of Tarzan as a six-part serial in the pages of Argosy Magazine 1938 this story has the unique distinction of starting out as a radio play, and only later adapted by Burroughs. The radio play it was based on was called Tarzan and the Diamond of Asher, written by…
Suicide Squad (2016) – Review
Doing a team-up film is tough, doing a team-up film based on a plethora of colourful comic book characters is even tougher, and you’d think after the disaster that was the 1997 Batman & Robin and all the negative feedback from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice that DC Comics/Warner Brothers would have at least…