It’s hard to believe that at one time the zombie genre didn’t exist and that the “zombie” was just one of the lesser-utilized monsters populating the horror genre. Universal’s White Zombie with Bela Lugosi was one of the rare movies that took the subject matter somewhat seriously, which was definitely not the case with King…
Author: Mike Brooks
Dr. Cyclops (1940) – Review
In today’s climate, a scientist trying to reduce humanity’s impact on the environment would most likely be considered noble character, if not a downright heroic, but in the 1940s Paramount Pictures took what could have been an altruistic premise and shifted it into the “mad scientist” genre. The result was a little classic called Dr….
Classic Horror Films of the 1930s
The 1930s marked a significant era in the history of cinema and particularly for the horror genre. It was during this decade that classic horror films emerged and left an indelible mark on the industry, bringing many iconic characters to life while also influencing future generations of filmmakers and changing cinema forever.
Reign of Fire (2002) – Review
Hollywood has provided moviegoers with many post-apocalyptic movies, from the Planet of the Apes franchise to the Mad Max series – the aftermath of “The End of the World” has always been great cinema fodder – but with Disney’s Reign of Fire we get a rather odd entry as it tosses a fantasy element into…
Dragonheart (1996) – Review
Before Peter Jackson’s adaptation of The Lord of the Rings proved that fantasy films could be legit blockbuster entertainment, a trilogy that not only brought in huge box office but Academy Awards as well, there was very little in the way of “big-budget offerings” in the fantasy genre. The best examples I had while growing…