Jane is back! With the franchise’s move from MGM to RKO the series has had to do without the awesome Maureen O’Sullivan, explaining Jane’s absence with her being back in London helping with the war effort, but now she’s back…kind of.
Author: Mike Brooks
Galactica 1980: Spaceball
Sadly this episode entitled “Spaceball” has nothing to do with Mel Brooks and his Star Wars spoof, but damn could we have used an appearance from Dark Helmet in this thing, because the Galactican children we saw in Super Scouts were so “entertaining” the producers decided to give them even more screen time in what…
The Hunger (1983) – Review
Stories with creatures of the night seducing fair maidens for their blood have populated books and movies for ages, so it’s nice when you come across one with a different take on the subject, and in Tony Scott’s first feature film that’s exactly what we got.
Tarzan’s Desert Mystery (1943) – Review
With Tarzan’s Desert Mystery the series continues with the Ape Man’s jungle adventures for the war effort. Now Tarzan isn’t going out of his way to engage the Axis powers, they just keep crossing paths, and when you try and cross Tarzan it doesn’t matter who you’re working for, he will take you down.
Galactica 1980: Super Scouts – Review
Do you know what is cooler than a team of Galactica heroes arriving on Earth, who then find themselves chasing a villain through the pages of Earth’s history? If your answer involves a bunch of space children running around throwing apples and jumping into trees, you have a good chance of landing a job as…