There is no shortage of films about the movie industry, from Bill Wilder’s film noir Sunset Blvd to Robert Altman’s satirical The Player to silly films like Hal Needham’s Hooper, we as viewers are fascinated by that celluloid world. Now, in Shion Sono’s Why Don’t You Play in Hell? we get the bloodiest look at…
Author: Mike Brooks
The Many Faces of Superman
“It’s a Bird… It’s a Plane… It’s Superman!” It would be hard to deny that there is no character more iconic than Superman, you would have to travel to a very obscure and isolated spot on this Earth to locate someone who couldn’t identify The Man of Steel from even just his trademark symbol –…
Tarzan and the Great River (1967) – Review
In Tarzan and the Great River, everyone’s favourite jungle man continues his globetrotting adventures as he heads south from Mexico and the Valley of Gold to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This is the sixth Tarzan film by producer Sy Weintraub and once again he uses great locals as backdrops for these adventures.
Damnation Alley (1977) – Review
Hollywood loves a good disaster movie and one of the more popular sub-genres of this is the post-apocalyptic film, where heroes must survive in a topsy-turvy world after some natural or man-made disaster. In the case of Damnation Alley they decided to adapt a novel by science fiction author Roger Zelazny, a book that dealt with…
Exterminators of the Year 3000 (1983) – Review
In the 80s Road Warrior rip-offs almost became a genre of their own with such titles as Battle Truck, Hell Comes to Frogtown, and Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn littering the cinema landscape, but today’s entry is easily one of the most blatant.