Written in 1944 Land of Terror is the penultimate book in the Pellucidar series and one that was never serialized as it was rejected by all his usual publishers. Having read it I’m not all that surprised.
Author: Mike Brooks
Gator (1976) – Review
In 1973 Burt Reynolds had a hit with his southern action/drama White Lightning, so three years later the studios wanted to see if lightning could strike twice with Gator.
White Lightning (1973) – Review
Before the Duke Boys were jumping bridges in Hazard County there was Gator McKlusky, a true hero of the South in White Lightning. Made in 1973 this Good Ole Boy movie is not what one would expect from just looking at the poster. It is a surprisingly dark and thoughtful movie with Burt Reynolds showing…
Back to the Stone Age: Edgar Rice Burroughs – Book Review
When we last left our intrepid heroes David Innes had been rescued from the clutches of those nasty Korsars and Tarzan and crew of the dirigible 0220 were heading back to the surface world but Jason Gridley refused to leave a man behind and vowed to stay in Pellucidar until missing crewman Wilhelm von Horst…
Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn (1983) – Review
There is certainly no shortage of Star Wars rip-offs, but in the case of 1983s Metalstorm: The Destruction of Jared-Syn we get a Star Wars/Road Warrior combo rip-off so it gets points for that.