In this final installment of the Moon Trilogy Burroughs forgoes the previous opening format of having the author encounter Julien the 3rd to learn about the further adventures of the his descendants and instead jumps right into the story of Julien the 20th in the year 2430. Taking place three hundred years after the revolution…
Category: Books
books, comics, magazines, pornos
The Moon Maid: Edgar Rice Burroughs – Book Review
It seems that Edgar Rice Burroughs and H.G. Wells both held the belief that WWI, or as it was known then as The Great War or The War to End All Wars was just a preamble to bigger conflict and that the world powers would eventually toss the planet into chaos on an even more…
NIGHTMARES! by Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller – Book Review
At some point in our childhood most of us have found ourselves cowering under the covers because we knew something was lurking in the dark corners of our bedroom. Is that shadow on the wall just from the tree outside the window or is it something far more nefarious? Could that dark lump by the…
Out of Time’s Abyss: Edgar Rice Burroughs – Book Review
When we last saw our intrepid heroes Bowen Tyler and Lys La Rue had married and sailed away aboard the rescue ship Toreador while Tom Billings, who had come to Caspak to find Tyler, had to remain behind to be with Ajor the Caspakian native girl that he fell in love with.
The People That Time Forgot: Book vs Movie
Nestled inside the world’s largest volcanic crater is the land of Caspak. Its jungles teaming with countless varieties of prehistoric life, and it is in this terror-fuelled land that adventurer Tom Billings must look to find his lost friend, Bowen Tyler. Edgar Rice Burroughs returns us to this mysterious world where evolution has been turned…