Man versus nature is a very popular genre, generating quite a few films ranging from such classics as Jaws to simply fun films like Lake Placid, but then we have the subgenre that deals with man and science mucking around and creating aberrations that will literally bite humanity in the ass.
Category: Film
12 to the Moon (1960) – Review
Science fiction movies released prior to 1969, and the actual moon landing, ranged from the somewhat series entries like George Pal’s Destination Moon (1950) to the campier type of Cat-Women of the Moon (1953) variety, but regardless of the intent the “science” in those science fiction movies tended to lean towards the more laughable end…
Laserblast (1978) – Review
There are low budget movies, there are next-to-nothing budgeted movies, and then there are movies like 1978’s Laserblast, which looked as if it’s budget consisted mostly of whatever loose change producer Charles Band managed to find under the seat cushions of a Tijuana brothel.
Eyes of Laura Mars (1978) – Review
When person embarks on making any kind of murder mystery one must ask such questions as, “What makes my thriller about a crazed killer stand out from others of its kind? Does the movie have a brilliant but eccentric detective? Is the hero/heroine a spunky and resourceful fighter?
Hellraiser: Judgment (2018) – Review
Having ten films in a franchise may seem impressive at a glance but if said franchise is in the horror genre that’s not necessarily the case, as one successful film can launch countless low budget sequels, and a perfect example of this would be the Hellraiser series as they went direct-to-video after the third installment.