And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon and his name was Michael Bay. Okay, maybe I’m being a bit hyperbolic here, Michael Bay is not the Anti-Christ, but he did cause Armageddon. It’s easy to take cheap shots…
Category: Film
Phantom of the Paradise (1974) – Review
Brian De Palma’s Phantom of the Paradise is a hard movie to classify, it’s not really a musical but it is chock full of music, it’s not a straight horror film because who the actual monster turns out to be is not who you’d expect and it’s darkly satiric, but what Phantom of the Paradise is…
Need for Speed (2014) – Review
The car chase has been a staple of Hollywood movies almost since the inception of cinema itself but they really took off when 1968’s Bullitt hit theatres and since then directors have tried to make their chases even more thrilling. Now back then this meant hiring incredibly gifted stunt drivers and coordinators to pull of…
Chef (2014) – Review
Jon Favreau Enlists a lot of celebrity friends to star in his latest Directorial outing called Chef, a Dramedy about a chef whose professional and personal life is in a rut. This film is basically Real Steel, but instead of Robots, we have Food Trucks, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) – Review
Guardians of the Galaxy is easily one of the most eagerly awaited films of the year, its marketing campaign has done everything short of placing a billboard on the moon to ensure the public know of this Marvel movie, but why is that? Who are these guys? Back in 2008 when Marvel Studios released their first…