The sexploitation films of the 60s and late 70s were a hallmark of non-explicit sexual situations but contained lots of gratuitous nudity, which kind of set themselves apart from hardcore pornography that would populate adult movie theatres of the 1970s and 1980s, yet there was a subgenre of sexploitation called Nazisploitation, which consisted of films…
Category: Film
The Last Man on Earth (1964) – Review
One of the most influential post-apocalyptic stories out there is that of Richard Matheson’s I Am Legend, a novel that pitted the last remaining human on Earth against a world populated by vampires, and while many other authors have since tackled similar subject matter it’s Matheson’s iconic story that has stood the test of time,…
The Black Scorpion (1957) – Review
The 1950s were all about giant monsters raging across the countryside, or at least that’s how I like to think of them, full of radioactive insects and cranky dinosaurs, but in 1957 the father of one of the greatest movie monsters of all time, the father of King Kong, stop-motion legend Willis O’Brien, would take…
Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932) – Review
Long before Stephen King became the first name in horror that title belonged to author Edgar Allan Poe, who was not only a master of the macabre but also considered to be the inventor of the detective fiction genre, and like King, his stories have found their way onto the silver screen many times over…
The Deadly Mantis (1957) – Review
While space explorers were tangling with Cat-Women of the Moon and Leslie Nielsen was off seducing Anne Francis on the Forbidden Planet back on good ole planet Earth scientists and their stalwart gal-pals were doing their best to save humanity from giant insects, whether it be a giant Tarantula or the colossal ants from Them!…