With the year of George Orwell’s 1984 looming on the near horizon it was not at all surprising that Hollywood would make a film where corrupt American government officials were seen developing a system that could not only wage war on the American populace, but spy on them as well. Thus in 1983 Columbia Pictures,…
Category: Reviews
The Meg (2018) – Review
When making a killer shark movie there is one thing a filmmaker must first come to grips with — that you will not be making a film better than Spielberg’s Jaws; it’s just not going to happen, and with the release of Warner Brothers summer flick The Meg, it’s clear that director Jon Turteltaub understands…
Doctor Detroit (1983) – Review
Remember the 80s, when prostitution consisted of wacky hijinks and hookers with a heart of gold, and not underage girls, abused and strung out on various drugs? Hollywood has had a long history with the “oldest profession,” and in a variety of depictions, such as the decidedly sanitized versions seen in Billy Wilder’s Irma la…
Mission: Impossible – Fallout (2018) – Review
There is a point in Mission: Impossible – Fallout where a character brings up a question that audience members have been asking themselves for over two decades, “How many times has Hunt’s government betrayed him, disavowed him, cast him aside? How long before a man like that has had enough?” Clearly, if it took this long…
Jack the Giant Killer (1962) – Review
If imitation is the highest form of flattery, then special effects master Ray Harryhausen should have felt very flattered when producer Edward Small released his fantasy film Jack the Giant Killer back in 1962 – a film that not only borrowed elements from Harryhausen’s 1958 film The 7th Voyage of Sinbad but also its director…