Pirate films have existed since the very early years of the 20th Century, from the silent film classic, The Black Pirate (1926) with Douglas Fairbanks, to the rousing epic Captain Blood (1935) with Errol Flynn, yet modern audiences are most familiar with the genre’s re-emergence in the early years of the 21st Century with Disney’s Pirates…
Category: Reviews
Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell (2018) – Review
Can South Africa pass for the Canadian Arctic Circle? The producers of this sixth Tremors movie certainly hope so as budgetary concerns keeps the series production in the southern climes of South Africa – some kind of Graboids tax break, I guess – passing off South Africa for Nevada or Mexico is one thing but…
Valley of the Dragons (1961) – Review
From Georges Méliès Trip to the Moon to Walt Disney’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, filmmakers have taken to adapting the works of science fiction giant Jules Verne like a duck to water, with even lesser-known pictures like Master of the World earning a certain amount of screen cred. But in 1961, producer Al Zimbalist…
Deep Blue Sea 2 (2018) – Review
What can you expect from a sequel almost two decades late and that goes straight-to-video? Well certainly don’t expect much from Deep Blue Sea 2, as it could either be billed as “The sequel that no one wanted” or, more accurately, “A carbon copy of the original minus the fun.” As this film stars a bunch of…
Psychokinesis (2018) – Review
What would Joe Average do if really given superpowers? This is the question South Korean director Sang-ho Yeon posits in his film Psychokinesis, which deals with a lowly security guard who finds himself gifted with extraordinary powers and then must decide how to use them. With Marvel and DC duking it out to see who…