Originally published as The Red Star of Tarzan as a six-part serial in the pages of Argosy Magazine 1938 this story has the unique distinction of starting out as a radio play, and only later adapted by Burroughs. The radio play it was based on was called Tarzan and the Diamond of Asher, written by…
Category: Reviews
Suicide Squad (2016) – Review
Doing a team-up film is tough, doing a team-up film based on a plethora of colourful comic book characters is even tougher, and you’d think after the disaster that was the 1997 Batman & Robin and all the negative feedback from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice that DC Comics/Warner Brothers would have at least…
One of Our Dinosaurs is Missing (1975) – Review
From the 50s to the 70s it was clear that Disney Studios loved zany wacky family comedies; while some of them worked rather well i.e. Blackbeard’s Ghost, others, like today’s topic fell a little short.
Tarzan’s Quest: Edgar Rice Burroughs – Book Review
Originally published as a six-part serial called Tarzan and the Immortal Men, and released in Blue Book Magazine through 1935 and 1936, this book would be the last time we see Jane as a major character.
These Final Hours (2013) – Review
“Life is stronger than death,” states one of the characters from writer/director Zak Hilditch’s end of the world movie These Final Hours, but as a meteor has hit the Earth, and all life will be soon extinguished, that may be a nice sentiment but not all that accurate.