This ninth book in the Tarzan series was first published in serialized form in the pages of Argosy All-Story Weekly (1922-1923) and follows the adventures that took place in Tarzan the Terrible, dealing with the rescue of Jane and Tarzan’s discovery of the lost valley of Pal-ul-don.
Category: Reviews
King Kong (2005) – Review
Hollywood loves remakes. That adage has never been truer than it is today. Audiences are being constantly bombarded by remakes of older popular films – only if their current hot franchises have run out of sequel steam – and with the cost of making movies today it is no surprise that Hollywood likes to play…
Kindergarten Cop 2 (2016) – Review
Should there be a time limit for releasing a sequel? The original movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger came out in 1990, that’s a quarter of a century ago, and now we have a sequel that doesn’t even have Arnie it. What is the bloody point?
Tarzan the Terrible: Edgar Rice Burroughs – Book Review
This direct sequel to Tarzan the Untamed was first published as a serial in the pulp magazine Argosy All-Story Weekly in 1921 and continues Tarzan’s adventures against Germany and his hunt for Jane.
Captain America: Civil War (2016) – Review
I was not a fan of the comic series Marvel’s Civil War, it took characters I had read and loved for decades and then twisted them in directions I did not care for, and hey, that’s their sandbox and one can’t be too pissy about such things, but it was that comic run that made…