Back in 1967 Disney released an animated version of Rudyard Kipling’s stories from The Jungle Book, which was also the last animated film to have the personal touch of Walt himself as he passed away in1966, and this is what the Disney Studios have tried to remake here today.
Category: Reviews
Donovan’s Brain (1953) – Review
The mad scientist is truly one of the most beloved tropes of early science fiction stories, and I particular love the whole “brain in a jar” subgenre. Now the story that really started all this was the novel Donavan’s Brain by Curt Siodmak, who also wrote the screenplay for the 1941 Lon Chaney The Wolf…
Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar: Edgar Rice Burroughs – Review
In this outing we find our favourite ape man wandering around Africa with amnesia. This will not be the last time Tarzan suffers from this malady as it certainly makes it easier to explain his absence from Jane, “Wife, what wife?”
The Last Witch Hunter (2015) – Review
It’s no secret that Vin Diesel is a fan of the role playing game Dungeons and Dragons, which is seriously cool, so it’s no surprise to learn that Mister Diesel would produce a movie based on one of his D&D characters, and to be fair what gamer wouldn’t love to see one of his D&D…
My Science Project (1985) – Review
In the 50s science fiction movies featured pipe-smoking scientists devising ways to get to other planets, while square-jawed heroes battled aliens and atomic enlarged insects, but in the 80s it was teenagers who took over the genre. It was high school kids who were creating life with Weird Science, travelling Back to the Future with…