In the past one hundred years, there have been many versions of Tarzan – from the big screen to the small one – but in 2003 the WB Network decided to update the Tarzan story to a modern setting, with a whole new origin story, and with the added twist of making it part police…
Category: Reviews
The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes (1969) – Review
Today we pretty much take our computers for granted, but that was certainly not the case back in the sixties when the typical computer took up an entire floor of an office building.
The Good Dinosaur (2015) – Review
The question most likely asked by many a viewer of this film would be, “Just who was Pixar’s target audience for this movie?” As a studio, Pixar has easily one of the best track records, from the likes Toy Story to Inside Out they rarely let a person down (my exception is Cars as I…
Ash vs Evil Dead: Season One – Review
Is there anything more entertaining than seeing Bruce Campbell getting the crapped kicked out of him? I’m not sure, but thirty years after the original Evil Dead hit theaters we have a television series that does its best to answer that question.
The Revenant (2015) – Review
It seems like only yesterday that the 2014 little arthouse movie that could, Birdman, surprised everybody with its Oscar win, and like Alejandro González Iñárritu (Upside of Birdman‘s Oscar win: I can now pronounce his name) was starting, after years of independent dramas, to finally become a household name. Well, in the same year, Innaritu…