Strap yourselves in, take a deep breath, because once you open The Book of Souls, you’ll close it forever changed.
Category: Reviews
Battlestar Galactica: Murder on the Rising Star – Review
So far we’ve had episodes that were Space Westerns, War Adventures, and even a Disaster Movie based one, but now with Murder on the Rising Star we move into the Murder Mystery genre, sadly this episode does not include a Space Jessica Fletcher or a Galactic Ben Matlock.
The Guest (2014) – Review
A lone stranger arrives at a quaint homestead, he just needs a place to stay and is willing to help out for room and board, but when threats to the family arise this lone stranger is revealed to be an avenging angel of badassery.
7 Days to Die, The Direction of Zombie Survival Games
Welcome to 7 Days to Die, the zombie survival game that makes you really really hate yourself. Its a punishing game that doesn’t really allow for a whole lot of screwing up, the object of the game is really in the title. You have to survive, hopefully for longer then 7 days but we’ll see…
Tarzan’s Fight for Life (1958) – Review
With a title like Tarzan’s Fight for Life, you’d think the film would be some kind of Lifetime movie-of-the-week type story, with Tarzan fighting for his life against something like cancer, but actually, it’s about Tarzan fighting against the ignorant superstitions of the local natives.