Everyone’s Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man was created back in 1962 by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko and with decades of incredible adventures under his belt it’s not surprising that he became the flagship character for Marvel Comics, but how tumultuous was his career and how has he fared in other mediums outside the four colour pages? Today we…
Category: Reviews
Batman (1966-1968) – Review
“Atomic batteries to power. Turbines to speed.” With those few words back in 1966 kids all over the world knew that high adventure was at hand and that dynamic duo was about to deal out swift justice to the colourful and kooky criminals of Gotham City.
The Many Faces of Tarzan
Tarzan of the Apes first appeared in 1912 in the pages of All-Story Magazine and told the story of a man raised by the great apes of Africa and his eventual meeting with Jane Porter the love of his life, but of course, that is not the end of the story.
A Review of Two Tales – Horns
Horns, both the novel by Joe Hill and the movie based on that same novel, follow the story of Ignatius Perrish in the aftermath of the murder of his longtime girlfriend Merrin Williams.
Tarzan’s Greatest Adventure (1959)
You will not find the phrase, “Me Tarzan, you Jane” in this production, hell you won’t even find Jane at all in this 1959 Tarzan film produced by Sy Weintraub, and as a fan of all things Tarzan I must say I couldn’t be happier.