I’m not sure if director Burt Brinckerhoff was trying to rip-off Hitchcock’s The Birds or Speilberg’s Jaws, the only thing to be sure of is that he failed to deliver one single cohesive moment in his entire film…so in that way it is kind of a frightening movie. I’ll give him a little credit for…
Category: Reviews
The Adventures of Superman (1952–1958) – Review
Superman has seen many incarnations from movie serials to cartoons to blockbuster movies, Bryan Singer gave us his love letter to Richard Donner films, with Brandon Routh basically playing Superstalker, while most recently we had Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel which gave us a “hero” with a higher body count than most super-villains have ever…
Deep Impact (1998) – Review
In 1998 we were treated to two big disaster movies, both involving a comet heading for Earth, and while many people took great joy in poking fun at Michael Bay’s Armageddon, I’d be the first to agree that it was utterly stupid if fun film, but as dumb as it was it never took itself…
The Legend of Zorro (2005) – Review
Three legendary heroes get me to the theatre every time, no matter how good or bad the reviews are, and those characters would be Robin Hood, Tarzan, and Zorro. Now it was way back in 1998 when Martin Campbell brought us The Mask of Zorro, so it seems rather odd for a studio to wait…
Mindhunters (2004) – Review
First off this film does not star Val Kilmer and Christian Slater – despite what the ads may imply – they possibly worked a couple of days, cashed their cheques, and then took off as fast as they could to the nearest strip club or casino, and what we have here is another Renny Harlin…