In 1985, Hanna-Barbera aired their seventh incarnation of the Scooby-Doo show, where Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Scrappy-Doo and a young con artist named Flim Flam teamed up with renowned magician and warlock Vincent Van Ghoul, to tackle real ghosts and Ghoulies, in a short-lived series called The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo, but that show was cancelled after…
Category: TV
Elseworlds: An Arrowverse Crossover (2018) – Review
To say that DC’s theatrical attempts have had a rather bumpy run of things would be a vast understatement, yet on the small screen their collection of heroes have met with a fair amount of success — I myself enjoyed the first few seasons of Arrow, and season one and two of The Flash and…
Tarzan and Jane (2018) Season Two – Review
I was pleasantly surprised with what Netflix did with their version of Tarzan and Jane, ditching much of the baggage that had accumulated over a century of books, movies and television shows, all dealing with the world’s most famous jungle man, by taking the fresh premise of Tarzan and Jane meeting as teens and becoming…
Impulse: Season One (2018) – Review
In 2008, director Doug Liman took Steven Gould’s YA science fiction novel Jumper to the big screen – while completely abandoning everything that made the book so popular – now ten years later we find Liman back with another run out in the universe of Jumper, only this time as a web series for YouTube Premium….
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (2018) – Season One Review
A plucky heroine standing against supernatural forces is nothing new to television – Joss Whedon spent seven seasons exploring that with Buffy the Vampire Slayer – and now Netflix throws its hat in the ring with their adaptation of the comic book series that takes the sweet natured character of Sabrina, first introduced in Archie…