The Brave and the Bold was a comic series that ran between 1955 and 1983 and paired various superheroes in one-shot adventures, then in 2008 the Cartoon Network took this team-up formula and brought to it television in a more comedic format yet, unfortunately, it only lasted two seasons, but lucky for us the cancellation…
Category: TV
The Mist (2017) Season One: Review
Adapting a novel to the big screen is never going to be easy, time constraints alone limit you a lot, but when doing it as a television show you can put as much or as little from the book as you’d like, case in point the 2017 adaptation of Stephen King’s The Mist for Spike…
Happy (2017) – Review
With seasonal television programming cramming the airwaves with a variety of holiday saccharine material it’s nice to catch something a little different and the SyFy original series Happy is definitely something different.
The Secrets of Isis (1975-1976) – Review
With the moderate success of Filmation’s live-action show Shazam! the studio decided to create a female counterpart to Captain Marvel but as they were unwilling to pay licensing fees for Mary Marvel a new character called Isis was created.
Shazam! (1974-1977) – Review
In the early 70s kids were overjoyed to see Hanna-Barbera’s Super Friends cartoon, starring their favorite superheroes each and every Saturday morning, but over at rival animation house Filmation a half-hour live-action Saturday morning program, featuring the adventures of Captain Marvel, was being produced, and to say the results were something less than heroic would…