Two of my favourite pass time shows are going to have a once in a life time event, as they cross lives.
Category: TV
Super Friends: “Invasion of the Earthors”
Stand back folks, it’s The Wonder Twins! The year is 1977 and Star Wars mania was sweeping the globe so good-bye Marvin, Wendy and Wonder Dog and say hello to Zan, Jayna and their space monkey Gleek! With this iteration of The Super Friends Hanna-Barbera decided to break the hour long show into four…
Captain America II: Death Too Soon (1979) – Review
After the network’s first attempt at a Captain America movie failed at getting a series off the ground they headed right back to the drawing board for another go, and thus, later that very same year, they took another swing at the bat. It also failed.
Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – Season 1 Review
I don’t know if you’re like me, but I love me some Marvel. Be it their comics or movies, I am in. Hell I’ll even put up with a shitty game or two just to get some of that sweet, sweet 616 action. And so far, when it comes to the movies, Marvel Studios has been quite the…
Captain America (1979) – Review
Captain America was created by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby as an answer to Adolph Hitler but has since then grew out of his WWII origins to team-up with modern heroes to eventually end up leading The Avengers, thus we now have Captain America the heroic icon of honor and perseverance. Steve Rogers does not…