In 1985, Hanna-Barbera aired their seventh incarnation of the Scooby-Doo show, where Scooby-Doo, Shaggy, Scrappy-Doo and a young con artist named Flim Flam teamed up with renowned magician and warlock Vincent Van Ghoul, to tackle real ghosts and Ghoulies, in a short-lived series called The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo, but that show was cancelled after…
Kin (2018) – Review
I’m all for genre mashups — horror comedies or sci-fi mysteries can be a lot of fun — but if you start chucking more and more genres into your blender, the danger that the end product could end up becoming a tasteless soup increases exponentially. With writers/directors Jonathan and Josh Baker’s Kin, we get a…
Slender Man (2018) – Review
Have you ever stood in front of your bathroom mirror and repeated the name “Bloody Mary” five times, so as to invoke the dark spirit? Yeah, me neither, but it’s this kind of irrational fear that has served as the groundwork for many horror films — most notable examples being 1992’s Candyman and Gore Verbinski’s The…
The Swarm (1978) – Review
Producer Irwin Allen made a name for himself in television with such classics as Lost in Space, Time Tunnel, and The Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, and in the 70s he earned the nickname “Master of Disaster” by bringing to the big screen such epic disasters as The Poseidon Adventure and The Towering…
That Darn Cat (1965) – Review
For Disney, the 1960s saw the release of a couple of animated classics — One Hundred Dalmatians and The Jungle Book, and also the lesser received The Sword in the Stone, but in their live-action division, they pulled out all stops with their big-budget adventure films like In Search of the Castaways, as well as solid…