Toho Studios may mostly be known for their Godzilla and other kaiju movies but in the late 60s they created a little gem called Latitude Zero, where an altruistic Nemo type does battle with his nefarious evil counterpoint, and his monstrous creations, and to capture some of that good ole American box office Toho wasn’t…
The Mummy (2017) – Review
What if Giles from Buffy the Vampire the Slayer was also Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? This is very much the vibe that Universal’s first installment in their new Dark Universe movie series gives off. This could lead to a serious problem as the last thing you want in your multi-million dollar franchise is for…
The Stewardesses (1969) NSFW – Review
Before the internet brought porn into millions of homes people actually had to go out to the theatre to see women frolic around in the nude – while having wild sexual encounters Behind a Green Door or dealing with such medical problems as being Insatiable and learning to perform Deep Throat. In the late 60s…
Wonder Woman (2017) – Review
Wonder Woman has been around since 1941, where she first battled the Nazi war machine in the pages of her comic book, later becoming a feminist icon in the 70s as well as the star of a hit television series, but unlike Superman and Batman she has never managed to make the crossover onto the…
Chopping Mall (1986) – Review
The 80s were a wondrous time because long before there was Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram if teens wanted to hang out they’d actually have to do it in person, and the most popular place for kids to meet was at the local mall. Now, movie-wise kids were being murdered left right and center by machete-wielding…