Welcome to 7 Days to Die, the zombie survival game that makes you really really hate yourself. Its a punishing game that doesn’t really allow for a whole lot of screwing up, the object of the game is really in the title. You have to survive, hopefully for longer then 7 days but we’ll see…
Tarzan’s Fight for Life (1958) – Review
With a title like Tarzan’s Fight for Life, you’d think the film would be some kind of Lifetime movie-of-the-week type story, with Tarzan fighting for his life against something like cancer, but actually, it’s about Tarzan fighting against the ignorant superstitions of the local natives.
Battlestar Galactica: The Man with Nine Lives – Review
Television shows, and which actors appear on them, has changed quite a bit over the years, as there is no longer the stigma that use to be attached to it. Today big time movie stars are regularly appearing on such shows as America Horror Story, True Detective, and Game of Thrones, without giving it a…
It Follows (2015) – Review
Hi Jay, I we have your test results back, and I have some bad news for you. Your results show that you have contracted a rare strain of the herpes virus, known as HJC-1, or more recently as ‘It’. Typical symptoms are being pursued by a Michael Myers-esqe specter that will follow you relentlessly, albeit slowly. Here are some pamphlets in regards to the moral implications of passing it on to unwitting sexual partners. Please reach out to your campus student support center if you need any additional assistance.
Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf (1985) – Review
How do you follow up a classic like Joe Dante’s The Howling, a film that is still considered by most as one of the best in the genre? The producers of Howling II: Your Sister is a Werewolf clearly thought casting legendary Christopher Lee and the awesome Sybil Danning would be enough to compensate for…