After 50 hours of gameplay scattered over a long period of time, my play-through of the largely revered Twilight Princess is finally complete. It’s time to review what’s been done.
Scott’s Thoughts: Physical music isn’t in (much) danger
In my article on Iron Maiden, which I wrote about two weeks ago, I mentioned just how anticipated their new album The Book of Souls is.
Battlestar Galactica: The Gun on Ice Planet Zero – Review
Glen A. Larson and Donald P. Bellisario love movie mash-ups, in the episode The Lost Warrior we got a Shane rip-off with laser guns, but now in The Gun on Ice Planet Zero Larson and Bellisario put the blender on high speed as they manage to cram not one but three movies into this two-parter as…
Prom Night (1980) – Review
In the 80s if kids weren’t been stalked by knife-wielding lunatics through the woods they were most likely being chased by ax wielding nut cases through their school hallways.
Pirates of Venus: Edgar Rice Burroughs – Book Review
The “Carson Napier of Venus series” was the last major series created by Edgar Rice Burroughs and nicely ties into his “shared universe” of Barsoom, Tarzan and Pellucidar.