When getting into comics, or even just collecting in general, there is a slight debate on physical copies. Do you go with the single issues or the collected trades? This is more for people who read rather than collecting. Collectors will go for the singles, especially variants as they have more value. Readers on the…
San Andreas (2015) – Review
This latest disaster epic once again pushes the theory that the surest way to patch up any relationship is to wait for an earthquake, twister or some other natural disaster to occur, and then bingo-bango-bongo all your problems will be solved and you can walk off into the sunset together.
Tomorrowland (2015) – Review
Tomorrowland may very well deserve some points for being one of the most, if not the most ambitious blockbuster to come out in 2015. For one, it is based off one of the most famous Disney theme park attractions, and its marketing has been Godzilla (2014)-levels of mysterious. All the trailers released so far have…
Hooper (1978) – Review
This movie is about Sonny Hooper “The Greatest Stuntman Alive” and though this character is fictional he is clearly based on events and people from former stuntman, now turned director, Hal Needham’s life. There have been many movies about the world of filmmaking, and even a few about stuntmen, but Hooper is not so much a…
Seventh Son (2014) – Review
The Seventh Son is the bi-product of the success of the Harry Potter films and the Lord of the Rings trilogy, as studios scrambled to find a new successful franchise, and how does one go about making a new fantasy film franchise?