Greetings, Inquisitors! It’s been a few months since I last picked up my controller and played Dragon Age: Inquisition. After my 170+ hour first playthrough I was thrilled to find out about the good folks at Bioware releasing their first DLC package.
Thirst (2009) – Review
Over the years there have been many types of vampires depicted in the movies, from the classic opera cape-wearing Lugosi to the teenage-looking vamps who play baseball during thunderstorms, but lately, it’s been the ones from the foreign market that have been the more interesting, like the Swedish film Let the Right One In and now with…
Mark’s Best Of Gaming – Kirby Super Star (1996)
GoG’s Best Of Gaming series takes on Kirby Super Star for the SNES (1996)
Pokemon and Digimon Crossover Game Leaked!?
A leaked image of a Pokemon and Digimon Crossover game has surfaced!
Bloodline, Season 1- Review
Bloodline is not just one of the most suspenseful shows to come out in the past few months, but surely also one of the wettest. Not only does the show take place on the Florida keys, but there’s flash forwards that take place during rainstorms, there’s a shocking abundance of scenes where characters go rowing,…