If You are a Veronica Mars Fan, you know who Dick Casablancas is, if you’re not a fellow Marshmallow, first of all, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?! and Secondly, Go watch the Entire Series and movie Right Now!…..Don’t worry, I’ll Wait.
Z Nation (2014) Pilot REVIEW: Puppies & Kittens
Z Nation is a new Zombie Survival Show that premiered this week on SyFy. Obviously Everyone will compare this show to AMC’s The Walking Dead. This is a little unfair as there’s a HUGE difference in Budget $$ between the 2, so I will be reviewing this show for what it is. The First thing…
The Giver (2014) – Review
Dystopian fiction is all the rage these days as young adult books like The Hunger Games and Divergent have massive fan bases and just beg to be adapted to the big screen. So why has Lois Lowry’s 1993 immensely popular book taken so long to make it to theaters?
Dracula (1979) – Review
Before there were vampires being interviewed, and well before any of them sparkled, there was John Badham’s Dracula in what must be the earliest truly romantic vampire movie.
John Carter: From Book to Screen
The 2012 movie John Carter was based on the Edgar Rice Burroughs novel A Princess of Mars, and is most notable for its disastrous box office than the actual quality of the film, and I think most can agree that the biggest stumbling block the movie had was that it was saddled with one of…