Exploring the consequences of humanity’s reckless pursuit of scientific progress is a staple of both science fiction literature and film, Andrew Marton’s sci-fi thriller Crack in the World follows that theme with a team of scientists who have come up with a brilliant idea to save the world from its energy crisis – by drilling…
The Last Voyage (1960) – Review
Welcome aboard the S.S. Claridon and its voyage into the cinematic genre of the disaster film, an entry that will have you holding onto your life jacket and trying not to get seasick. Directed by Andrew L. Stone, this movie tells the tale of a luxurious ocean liner that sinks after a fire erupts in…
Titanic (1953) – Review
When it comes to disaster films, few are as iconic as the 1953 adaptation of the Titanic sinking, directed by Jean Negulesco and sporting a couple of top box office stars for the marquee value, this retelling of the tragic story of the doomed luxury liner, and while the ship was clearly sinkable it has…
Titanic (1943) – Review
There have been many depictions of the world’s most famous shipwreck, from such classics as A Night to Remember to less than stellar entries such as an animated version featuring a heroic sailor mouse and a giant octopus – Don’t believe me? Check out The Legend of the Titanic (1999) – but today we will…
Max Fleischer’s Superman (1941-1943) – Review
“Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.” It was these stirring words that launched Superman off the comic book pages and onto theatre screens, with legendary animator Max Fleischer producing a series of animated shorts that would truly bring this iconic character to…