A group travelling to the centre of the Earth is certainly nothing new, Jules Verne tackled such a topic back in 1864 and we’ve seen film adaptations of his novel ever since, but director Jon Amiel took such a well-worn premise into the disaster movie genre in a film that’s about as scientifically accurate as…
Tag: Aaron Eckhart
London Has Fallen (2016) – Review
Everyone knows that Antoine Fuqua’s Olympus Has Fallen was an over-the-top Die Hard rip-off that had more explosions than plot, and only managed to hit 48% on the Rotten Tomatoes, but it did pull in $161,000,000 million in worldwide box office receipts, thus the sequel London Has Fallen was greenlit.
I, Frankenstein (2014) – Review
There have been several incarnations of Mary Shelley’s famous monster over the years from James Whale to Kenneth Branagh, and being that in the last ten years there has been decent money made off of re-inventing the classic monsters it’s no surprise that the producers of the Underworld series would have a go at Shelley’s…