With the horrifying image of a giant bat this hero strikes fear into the hearts of the superstitious and cowardly lot of Gotham’s underworld, Batman, the Caped Crusader, the Dark Knight, the World’s Greatest Detective, whose never-ending battle for truth, justice and the American way…wait, no, that’s the other guy. Next to Superman, you’d be…
Tag: batman
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) – Review
Do you remember when comic book based movies were fun? I’d site Bryan Singer’s first X-Men movie as the beginning of this new age of superhero movies, as before that good comic based movies were few and far between sure we had Donner’s Superman films in the 70s and Tim Burton’s Batman films in the…
Batman (1966-1968) – Review
“Atomic batteries to power. Turbines to speed.” With those few words back in 1966 kids all over the world knew that high adventure was at hand and that dynamic duo was about to deal out swift justice to the colourful and kooky criminals of Gotham City.
Gotham: Pilot (2014) – Review
Raise your hands if you think the world needed more of Batman’s origins? Yeah, me neither, but here we are once more we venturing into the dark streets of Gotham City, this time courtesy of the Fox Network. Right out of the gate a network show based on the early years of Batman has to…
Costumed Musicians Play Batman Vs Superman
We received a message about musicians dressing up, and playing some iconic sounds. I listened in on the YouTube clip, and I was pleasantly smiling.