With director Michael Dougherty helming this latest installment in the Legendary MonsterVerse, we enter an era where Hollywood is finally giving the Japanese a run for their money when it comes to kaiju films, with both 2014’s Godzilla and 2017’s Kong: Skull Island being excellent entries in the giant monsters genre, and now with Godzilla: King…
Tag: Charles Dance
Underworld: Blood Wars (2017) – Review
By this fifth installment of the Underworld series we must come to the conclusion that it will continue as long as Kate Beckinsale will agree to wear leather and a corset, the series offers little more than that for returning fans, and the subtitle “Blood Wars” is about as meaningless as the previous installment title…
Victor Frankenstein (2015) – Review
When it comes to adaptations of classic monsters Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is only surpassed by Bram Stoker’s Dracula, and that is mainly because most films portray the monster as a mindless brute, which is not the way he was depicted in the original novel.
Dracula Untold (2014) – Review
When one is going to tackle a character as iconic as Dracula one has to be very careful, for fans can be very critical and the danger is even greater when you are doing an origin story that tries to make one of literature’s great monsters sympathetic.