Tarzan is no novice when it comes to war, in Tarzan the Untamed he mowed down countless Germans during WWI, but in Tarzan and the Foreign Legion, we get a book that feels like more a military adventure story than Tarzan the Untamed did; which mostly resembled a standard Tarzan adventure that just happened to…
Tag: comedy
One of Our Dinosaurs is Missing (1975) – Review
From the 50s to the 70s it was clear that Disney Studios loved zany wacky family comedies; while some of them worked rather well i.e. Blackbeard’s Ghost, others, like today’s topic fell a little short.
Ghostbusters (2016) – Review
For years Sony had been trying to get a third Ghostbusters movie off the ground, mostly failing due to Bill Murray’s complete lack of interest, and when the reality that this project was never going to happen finally set in Sony switched gears into reboot mode.
Tarzan and the Lion Man: Edgar Rice Burroughs – Book Review
“It’s double the danger and double the fun.” If Tarzan and the Lion Man had been adapted into a film back in the 30s that would certainly have been the tagline.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016) – Review
With Marvel and DC trying to outdo each other in their cinematic ventures, one can easily forget that two years ago Michael Bay tried his hand at a comic franchise of his own.