In 1988, Walt Disney Productions released the classic film Who Framed Roger Rabbit, a movie about a world where humans and cartoons coexist. A year later, Peter Jackson gave us an R-rated puppet movie called Meet the Feebles, a film full of puppet sex and violence. Now, thirty years later, Brian Henson, son of legendary…
Tag: comedy
Blood Fest (2018) – Review
When making a meta-commentary on a genre, is there a line that shouldn’t be crossed? When Wes Craven gave us Scream, with its rule-spouting characters, the self-awareness of genre clichés was somewhat fresh, but now, post-Cabin in the Woods, the subversion of the genre has almost become a cliché in and of itself, and herein…
The Christmas Chronicles (2018)
With the holiday season upon us, this means our television viewing will most likely consist of some Christmas classics, but between the multiple showings of It’s a Wonderful Life or the twenty-four-hour marathons of A Christmas Story, we will also be bombarded with a boatload of “fresh” Christmas content, ones that will be vying to…
Doctor Detroit (1983) – Review
Remember the 80s, when prostitution consisted of wacky hijinks and hookers with a heart of gold, and not underage girls, abused and strung out on various drugs? Hollywood has had a long history with the “oldest profession,” and in a variety of depictions, such as the decidedly sanitized versions seen in Billy Wilder’s Irma la…
Housebound (2014) – Review
Whenever I’m watching a haunted house movie, at some point I’ll invariably ask “What the hell are you people still doing in that bloody house?” Call me crazy, but when walls begin to bleed – or spectral voices are crying “GET OUT!” – I’d be changing my zip code as fast as humanly possible. I…