The Brave and the Bold was a comic series that ran between 1955 and 1983 and paired various superheroes in one-shot adventures, then in 2008 the Cartoon Network took this team-up formula and brought to it television in a more comedic format yet, unfortunately, it only lasted two seasons, but lucky for us the cancellation…
Tag: comics
Doctor Strange (2016) – Review
Despite having a long and illustrious career in comic books the character of Doctor Strange, created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko way back in the 60s, has never quite reached mass public consciousness in the way as say Spider-Man or Captain America, but now that the Marvel brand has produced box office hit after…
Designer Cosplay Tips: “Sewing” Part 1 – Patterns and Fitting
Cosplay!!! For some this word brings forth memories of your last Con/Expo where you had a whole lot of fun with your friends as well as made new ones. It also brings memories of burnt fingers, skipped stitches, fabric searches and sleepless nights. Hopefully I can help ease a little bit of the frustration…
Costumed Musicians Play Batman Vs Superman
We received a message about musicians dressing up, and playing some iconic sounds. I listened in on the YouTube clip, and I was pleasantly smiling.