The disaster movie has been a staple of cinema for quite some time, with RKO’s 1933 disaster epic Deluge being one of the earliest examples of a genre that is still going on strong today, but in 1951 legendary movie producer George Pal put his stamp on the genre with his film When Worlds Collide,…
Tag: Destination Moon
Flight to Mars (1951) – Review
After Rocketship X-M’s accidental and eventually doomed trip to the Red Planet it was up to producer Walter Mirisch over at Monogram Productions to give the public a true “Martian Experience” and with his film Flight to Mars that is just what the public got, right? Well, not quite, what the public actually received was…
Rocketship X-M (1950) – Review
In 1950 two science fiction films sent cinemagoers venturing off into space, one was George Pal’s seminal classic Destination Moon and the other being Kurt Neumann’s Rocketship X-M, but where George Pal’s film was attempting to depict a nuts and bolts representation of a trip to the Moon, with at least some attempt at scientific…
Destination Moon (1950) – Review
It was back in 1902 when Georges Méliès adapted Jules Verne’s novel “From the Earth to the Moon” to the big screen for his short film A Trip to the Moon that the idea of bringing science fiction works of literary greats had truly begun – though I’m betting the “Man in the Moon” getting…