It’s no secret that Vin Diesel is a fan of the role playing game Dungeons and Dragons, which is seriously cool, so it’s no surprise to learn that Mister Diesel would produce a movie based on one of his D&D characters, and to be fair what gamer wouldn’t love to see one of his D&D…
Tag: Elijah Wood
Cooties (2014) – Review
Blending horror and comedy is tricky business, getting the necessary ingredients could land you a film like Shaun of the Dead, but miss a few integral elements and the result could be something more along the lines of today’s entry Cooties.
Deep Impact (1998) – Review
In 1998 we were treated to two big disaster movies, both involving a comet heading for Earth, and while many people took great joy in poking fun at Michael Bay’s Armageddon, I’d be the first to agree that it was utterly stupid if fun film, but as dumb as it was it never took itself…