You have to admire a 1950s sci-fi/horror film that boasts the tagline “Based on Scientific Fact!” in a story about atomic resurrected zombies. That kind of marketing has balls. In this outing, producer Sam Katzman blends film noir, horror and science fiction with somewhat expected results. Let’s sit back and take a look at Creature…
Tag: film noir
House of Horrors (1946) – Reviews
During the 1940s Universal Pictures decided to launch a new series of low-budget films featuring actor Rondo Hatton as “The Creeper” and the best of those films would be House of Horrors. Produced by Ben Pivar and directed by Jean Yarbrough, this film starred the original “Monster Without Make-up” as The Creeper!
The Spirit (2008) – Review
With the successful adaptations of two Sin City movies, based on the Frank Miller comics, it must have seemed like a great idea to give the man a shot at adapting the Will Eisner comic to the big screen as he was a big fan of the character, unfortunately, in the case of those Sin…
Son of Dracula (1943) – Review
In the long list of Universal Monster movies, there is one odd duck entry in the form of Son of Dracula, a film that does not take place in the same continuity as Dracula and Dracula’s Daughter and the events within are never referenced again, weirder still is the casting of Lon Chaney Jr. as…
Cat People (1942) – Review
When one thinks of low-budget horror films, such as I Was a Teenage Werewolf, we imagine movies that were designed to fill the neighbourhood Drive-Ins with their cheap thrills and cheaper production value, but in the early 1940s RKO Pictures had an ace up their slave in the form of producer Val Lewton, a man…