With the successful adaptations of two Sin City movies, based on the Frank Miller comics, it must have seemed like a great idea to give the man a shot at adapting the Will Eisner comic to the big screen as he was a big fan of the character, unfortunately, in the case of those Sin…
Tag: Frank Miller
The Many Faces of Batman
With the horrifying image of a giant bat this hero strikes fear into the hearts of the superstitious and cowardly lot of Gotham’s underworld, Batman, the Caped Crusader, the Dark Knight, the World’s Greatest Detective, whose never-ending battle for truth, justice and the American way…wait, no, that’s the other guy. Next to Superman, you’d be…
Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014) – Review
Once again we visit the dark and rain-slick streets of Frank Miller’s Sin City and along for the ride is our old pal Robert Rodriguez, so “Fasten your seat belts, it’s going to be a bumpy night.”
300 (2006) – Review
Frank Miller is easily one of the most well-known comic book creators of today, and many of his works have managed to make it to the big screen, but it was when in 2005 that director Robert Rodriguez helmed the adaptation of his graphic novel Sin City that non-comic book fans took notice – its worldwide box take…