It’s hard to believe that the first Marvel character to make its way to the big screen was something as off-beat and off-brand as Howard the Duck; both Spider-Man and The Incredible Hulk had earlier managed to make it to the small screen with varying degrees of success but no attempts at a cinematic venture…
Tag: from book to screen
Jumper (2008) From Book to Screen
Adapting a popular novel is never going to be easy, the difference in mediums is too great for there ever to be a perfect translation from book to screen, but in the case of the 2008 adaptation of Steven Gould’s young adult book Jumper they didn’t even try.
The Six Million Dollar Man (1973) – From Book to Screen
In 1972 writer Martin Caidin wrote a speculative science fiction story called Cyborg, where astronaut and test pilot Steve Austin loses an eye, one arm, and both legs after a disastrous crash during a test flight but with advanced cybernetics, they are then able to replace them with bionic ones.
Village of the Damned: From Book to Screen
In 1957 British science fiction author John Wyndham published The Midwich Cuckoos, and as a follower of H.G. Wells, he believed that science fiction stories worked best if there was only one aberrant event i.e. alien invasion or what have you, and the rest of the story would be the dealings of the everyday world…
The Iron Giant: From Book to Screen
Over the years Brad Bird has become one of the more respected directors in the field of animation, even doing decent work in live action with Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol and Tomorrowland, but once upon a time, long before all this fame and fortune, he was just a recently fired animator from Disney.