With the success of 1939’s The Cat and the Canary, Paramount Pictures were quick to re-team Bob Hope and Paulette Goddard for another go and what better way to ensure success than star them in another horror-comedy, one with both a spooky local and nefarious villains for our leads to run from.
Tag: ghostbusters
Ghostbusters (2016) – Review
For years Sony had been trying to get a third Ghostbusters movie off the ground, mostly failing due to Bill Murray’s complete lack of interest, and when the reality that this project was never going to happen finally set in Sony switched gears into reboot mode.
Red Lights (2012) – Review
Science versus superstition is undoubtedly a great source of conflict for any good movie but when a movie tries to have its cake and it eat it too, well that’s a whole other kettle of psychic fish. That is the key problem with writer/director Rodrigo Cortés’s film, he doesn’t really pick a side. If you…