By 1945 director Robert Wise had already made a name for himself having helmed such classics as Curse of the Cat People and The Body Snatcher – with 1944’s Mademoiselle Fifi being his one critical failure – and today we will be looking at his fourth feature film, A Game of Death, which was a…
Tag: horror
The Brain Eaters (1958) – Review
Having a loved one taken over by an alien creature has to be one of the more terrifying premises to be tackled by the science fiction genre, from the classic Invaders from Mars to Don Seigel’s Invasion of the Body Snatchers it’s a foundation that pretty much can’t miss when it comes to delivering both…
The Crawling Eye (1958) – Review
A series of murders in a remote location is standard fill for an Agatha Christie mystery but with 1958’s The Crawling Eye cinema-goers were treated to a mystery with a bit of a twist, one that would see a group of heroes facing off against a truly terrifying killer.
Creature with the Atom Brain (1955) – Review
You have to admire a 1950s sci-fi/horror film that boasts the tagline “Based on Scientific Fact!” in a story about atomic resurrected zombies. That kind of marketing has balls. In this outing, producer Sam Katzman blends film noir, horror and science fiction with somewhat expected results. Let’s sit back and take a look at Creature…
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) – Review
It’s hard to believe that Tobe Hooper’s seminal classic The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is based on the same events surrounding that of Hitchcock’s Psycho, yet both of those movies – as well as several others – were inspired by real-life American murderer and body snatcher Ed Gein, a man who had exhumed corpses from local…