Computers turning against man is certainly nothing new to the movies; we had the rogue HAL 9000 in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, then in the 80s we got Skynet trying to wipe out mankind in James Cameron’s The Terminator, and more recently, Leigh Whannell’s film Upgrade tackled a computer system with its own…
Tag: horror
Mandy (2018) – Review
If your response to a religious cult burning your wife alive is to forge a badass axe, hunt them down, and violently murder them all, you should take a look in the mirror because you might be Nicolas Cage. When one settles in to watch a Nicholas Cage movie, it’s a good idea to know…
Blood Fest (2018) – Review
When making a meta-commentary on a genre, is there a line that shouldn’t be crossed? When Wes Craven gave us Scream, with its rule-spouting characters, the self-awareness of genre clichés was somewhat fresh, but now, post-Cabin in the Woods, the subversion of the genre has almost become a cliché in and of itself, and herein…
Deep Rising (1998) – Review
Blending horror and comedy has always been a tricky thing – too often the comedy can undercut the horror – but in 1998, writer/director Stephen Sommers released Deep Rising, which was not only a horror/comedy but an action movie as well. Added to the mix was a monster that would be 95% CGI – at…
Overlord (2018) – Review
Genre mash-ups can be a lot of fun, and when it’s horror with another genre, the results can be quite surprising – horror-comedy being one of the more prevalent of these – but one horror combo that doesn’t get a lot of love is the horror/war movie mash-up, which is why Overlord is such a…