What do you get when you take an immense supernatural tale filled with dense prose, add four legendary Hollywood actors, throw in some cheap jump scares, and then cram it all into a two-hour running time?
Tag: horror
The Sentinel (1977) – Review
From the late ’60s and throughout the 70s there were some very successful horror movies dealing with Satanic forces; poor Mia Farrow getting knocked up by the Devil in Rosemary’s Baby, little Linda Blair being possessed by a demon in The Exorcist, or Gregory Peck finding out his son is the Anti-Christ in The Omen,…
The Mummy (2017) – Review
What if Giles from Buffy the Vampire the Slayer was also Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? This is very much the vibe that Universal’s first installment in their new Dark Universe movie series gives off. This could lead to a serious problem as the last thing you want in your multi-million dollar franchise is for…
Chopping Mall (1986) – Review
The 80s were a wondrous time because long before there was Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram if teens wanted to hang out they’d actually have to do it in person, and the most popular place for kids to meet was at the local mall. Now, movie-wise kids were being murdered left right and center by machete-wielding…
Alien: Covenant (2017) – Review
I had some serious issues with Ridley Scott’s Alien prequel Prometheus, as it seemed to be a film that just randomly threw in mythology and then never bothered to explain anything – maybe Scott had hopes that we would all be patient enough to wait for the sequel to the prequel – but then he…