You know what will ruin a wedding party? The Rapture, that’s what. In director Casey La Scala’s “sort of found footage” movie that is exactly what happens, and it’s basically a more palatable version of Left Behind: A Novel of the Last Days on Earth. This is not a good thing.
Tag: horror
Harbinger Down (2015) – Review
When is a film an homage and when is it a blatant rip-off? This is a question most viewers will be pondering when viewing director/writer Alec Gillis and producer Tom Woodruff Jr.’s independently funded film Harbinger Down.
Stranger Things: Season One – Review
Take the kids from E.T. The Extraterrestrial, give one of them the sister from Pretty in Pink, have one of them abducted by the Beast from Poltergeist, and then put them all in the vicinity of the government facility from Firestarter, next you put that all in a blender hit puree and the result is…
The Incredible 2-Headed Transplant (1971) – Review
The 70s were a time of terrible fashions as the public had to deal with the beginning of Disco and exploitation films that came and went at the local Drive-In with haunting regularity, but good or bad teenagers flocked to these films in droves.
The Boy (2016) – Review
Creepy dolls in the horror genre are nothing new; from The Twilight Zone’s “Living Doll” episode to The Conjuring’s lame spin-off Annabelle we’ve been subjected to countless iteration of the scary doll motif. In the film, The Boy takes the sub-genre to an even deeper level of lameness than we got with the likes of…