Is there anything more entertaining than seeing Bruce Campbell getting the crapped kicked out of him? I’m not sure, but thirty years after the original Evil Dead hit theaters we have a television series that does its best to answer that question.
Tag: horror
Wolfen (1981) – Review
1981 was certainly the Year of the Wolf, we got John Landis’s amazing An American Werewolf in London and Joe Dante’s equally excellent The Howling, but there was a third wolf film out that year, one that many people have forgotten, a little flick called Wolfen.
Bone Tomahawk (2015) – Review
With the theatres packed with superheroes and found footage movies, I found the western/horror film Bone Tomahawk to be a really nice break. Now genre mash-ups are tricky beasts at the best of times, and westerns not always an easy sell to modern audiences, but writer-director S. Craig Zahler manages to work the western-horror blend…
We Are Still Here (2015) – Review
Things that go bump in the night have fascinated people since before man discovered fire, and no greater example of that is the ghost story.
The Final Girls (2015) – Review
If Friday the 13th had a love child with Pleasantville the result would be Todd Strauss-Schulson’s ode to slasher films, The Final Girls. Written by M.A. Fortin and Joshua John Miller, and starring a talented teen body count, this movie has everything a fan of the genre could want. What is surprising is that it…