Once upon a time, in the golden age of Disney animation, a princess named Aurora dozed off, and a classic was born! It was in 1959 that Walt Disney gave us this technicolor dreamscape where we learned that a kiss really could solve all your problems! And while Sleeping Beauty was not a success on…
Tag: Maleficent
Maleficent (2014) – Review
Revamping classic fairy tales has almost become its own genre, we’ve had Snow White and the Huntsman, Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, and Oz the Great and Powerful, now the unfortunate thing about all this is that none of them have been all that good. I’m not saying they have no redeeming qualities- the often…
Top Ten Disney Villains
There is probably no other movie studio that has a better roster of villains than The House of Mouse. The roll call of Disney villains contains some of the most iconic figures in pulp culture history with many of the villains being more popular than the hero/heroine they oppose. Everyone has their favorites so today…